Delait Lukautim Taim 2025
Taim bin stap setim bek o fran? Wanem? We? Dispela pes gat ol delait lukautim taim senis na narapela taimsoen senisim bilong graun long 2025.
- Ol data bin kamap bilong niupela kain bilonh IANA taimsoen databes (kain 2024b, senisim bilong Paraguay).
- Niu transesisens save bin adim, rausim o senisim, samtaim long liklik notice.
- Dispela pes bin las senisim long Sande, Disemba 22, 2024.
Neks event bin long Mas 28, 2025, wanem DST statim long Israel.
Sande Februeri 23 2025
Morocco na Western Sahara
Winta bin statim
Taim bin setim bek wan aua bilong 03:00AM long 02:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: West Africa Time (GMT+1 / UTC +1)
- Pas: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Transisen taim: 2025-02-23 02:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Morocco na Western Sahara, inkludim Casablanca, Marrakesh na Rabat.
- Maroko na Wes Sahara gat delait lukautim taim ol yia, nogat Ramadan, wanem delait lukautim taim bin stopim.
Sande Mas 9 2025
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Standard Time (PMST / UTC -3)
- Pas: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Daylight Time (PMDT / UTC -2)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 05:00 UTC
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 00:00AM long 01:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: Cuba Standard Time (CST / UTC -5)
- Pas: Cuba Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 05:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Cuba, inkludim Havana, Santa Clara na Santiago de Cuba.
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Pas: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 06:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Bermuda.
Qaanaaq, Greenland
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Pas: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 06:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Qaanaaq.
United States
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
United States gat 11 taimsoen. Mos bilong kantri gat DLT long sama. Sama statim bilong wankain taim long ol bilong United States, tasol nogat saimaltenisasli, bikos bilong narakain taimsoen.
Eastern Time
- Bipo: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Pas: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 07:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin EST na EDT, inkludin Miami, New York, Philadelphia na Washington, D.C..
Central Time
- Bipo: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Pas: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 08:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin CST na CDT, inkludin Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio na Sikago.
Mountain Time
- Bipo: Mountain Standard Time (MST / UTC -7)
- Pas: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT / UTC -6)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 09:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin MST na MDT, inkludin Albuquerque, Denver na El Paso.
Pacific Time
- Bipo: Pacific Standard Time (PST / UTC -8)
- Pas: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT / UTC -7)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 10:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin PST na PDT, inkludin Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose na Seattle.
Alaska Time
Alaska: Ol ailan wes bilong -169.5°
- Bipo: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST / UTC -10)
- Pas: Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (HADT / UTC -9)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 12:00 UTC
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
Canada gat 6 taimsoen. Mos bilong kantri gat DLT long sama. Sama statim bilong wankain taim long ol bilong Canada, tasol nogat saimaltenisasli, bikos bilong narakain taimsoen.
Newfoundland Time
- Bipo: Newfoundland Standard Time (NST / UTC -3:30)
- Pas: Newfoundland Daylight Time (NDT / UTC -2:30)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 05:30 UTC
Atlantic Time
- Bipo: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Pas: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 06:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin AST na ADT, inkludin New Brunswick, Nova Scotia na Prince Edward Island.
Eastern Time
Central Time
- Bipo: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Pas: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 08:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin CST na CDT, inkludin Manitoba.
Mountain Time
The Bahamas
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Pas: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 07:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong The Bahamas, inkludim Nassau.
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Pas: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 07:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Haiti, inkludim Port-au-Prince.
Turks and Caicos Islands
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Pas: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 07:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Turks and Caicos Islands, inkludim Cockburn Town.
Meksiko (stet bilong Baha Kalifonia na ples nia lain bilong Yunaitit Stet)
Sama bin statim
Taim bin setim fran wan aua bilong 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokal taim.
Meksiko gat 4 taimsoen. Mexico stopped observing DST in 2022, except for the state of Baja California and regions near the US border, which follow the same daylight saving time schedule as the United States.
Zona Noroeste
US border regions in Zona Centro
- Bipo: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Pas: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 08:00 UTC
- Aplaim long lain ples bilong Yunaitit Stet i stap senisim bitwin CST na CDT, inkludim Heroica Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo na Reynosa.
US border regions in Zona Pacífico
- Bipo: Mountain Standard Time (MST / UTC -7)
- Pas: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT / UTC -6)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-09 09:00 UTC
- Aplaim long lain ples bilong Yunaitit Stet i stap senisim bitwin MST na MDT, inkludim Ciudad Juárez.
Fraide Mas 28 2025
Sarere Mas 29 2025
Wes Grinlan
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 23:00PM long 00:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Western Greenland Time (WGT / UTC -2)
- Pas: Western Greenland Summer Time (WGST / UTC -1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin WGT na WGST, inkludin Nuuk.
Is Grinlan
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 23:00PM long 00:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Greenland Time (EGT / UTC -2)
- Pas: Eastern Greenland Summer Time (EGST / UTC -1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin EGT na EGST, inkludin Ittoqqortoormiit.
Sande Mas 30 2025
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 00:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
Mos bilong Is Yurop
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 03:00AM long 04:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Eastern European Time (EET / UTC +2)
- Pas: Eastern European Summer Time (EEST / UTC +3)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Gris, Latvia, Litva, Pinlan, Romania, Ukraine na Åland Islands.
- Sama statim long wankain taim bilong ol bilong Yurop (nogat Moldova), tasol long narakain lokel taim long ol taimsoen.
Mos bilong Yurop
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Central European Time (CET / UTC +1)
- Pas: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belsum, Bosnia na Hesegovina, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Gibraltar, Hangari, Italia, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Ol Nitelan, Poland, Pranis, San Marino, Sebia, Siaman, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spen, Suwidan, Switzerland na Vatican City.
- Sama statim long wankain taim bilong ol bilong Yurop (nogat Moldova), tasol long narakain lokel taim long ol taimsoen.
United Kingdom
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 01:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Pas: British Summer Time (BST / UTC +1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong United Kingdom na Kraun ples bilong em, inkludim Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Landen, Leeds, Liverpool na Sheffield.
- Nogat aplaim bilong teritori.
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 01:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Pas: Irish Standard Time (IST / UTC +1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Aialan, inkludim Cork, Dablin, Dún Laoghaire na Limerick.
- Laik narapela ples i gat delait lukautim taim, Aialan gat delait lukautim taim long winta, na nomal taim long sama. Winta taim i stap wan aua bihain sama taim.
Canary Islands, Faroe Islands na Posugol
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 01:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Western European Time (WET / UTC +0)
- Pas: Western European Summer Time (WEST / UTC +1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Canary Islands, Faroe Islands na Posugol, inkludim Las Palmas, Lisbon, Madeira, Porto District, Santa Cruz de Tenerife na Tórshavn.
- Canary Islands senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Spen, tasol lokel taim bilong Canary Islands i stap wan aua bihain Spen.
Azores, Posugol
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 00:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Azores Time (AZOT / UTC -1)
- Pas: Azores Summer Time (AZOST / UTC +0)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Azores, inkludim Angra do Heroísmo, Horta na Ponta Delgada.
- Azores senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Posugol, tasol lokel taim bilong Azores i stap wan aua bihain Posugol.
Troll research station, Antarctica
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran tu aua long 01:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC / UTC +0)
- Pas: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- Transisen taim: 2025-03-30 01:00 UTC
Sarere Epril 5 2025
Ista Ailan, Región de Valparaíso, Chile
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 22:00PM long 21:00PM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Easter Island Daylight Time (EADT / UTC -5)
- Pas: Easter Island Standard Time (EAST / UTC -6)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-06 03:00 UTC
- Ista Ailan senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Chile, tasol lokel taim bilong Ista Ailan i stap tu aua bihain Chile.
Sande Epril 6 2025
Chatham Islands, Niu Silan
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 03:45AM long 02:45AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT / UTC +13:45)
- Pas: Chatham Standard Time (CHAST / UTC +12:45)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-05 14:00 UTC
Niu Silan
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 03:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT / UTC +13)
- Pas: New Zealand Standard Time (NZST / UTC +12)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-05 14:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Niu Silan, inkludim Christchurch, Oklan na Wellington.
- Nogat aplaim bilong ol dipendan teritori na ol ailan.
Norfolk Island
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 03:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Norfolk Daylight Time (NFDT / UTC +12)
- Pas: Norfolk Time (NFT / UTC +11)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-05 15:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Norfolk Island.
- Time zone news: Norfolk Island will have daylight saving time
Lord Howe Island, Niu Saut Wels, Ostrelia
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek hap bilong aua long 02:00AM long 01:30AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Lord Howe Daylight Time (LHDT / UTC +11)
- Pas: Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST / UTC +10:30)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-05 15:00 UTC
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 03:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
Ostrelia gat 9 taimsoen. Mos bilong kantri gat DLT long sama. Winta statim bilong wankain taim long ol bilong Ostrelia, tasol nogat saimaltenisasli, bikos bilong narakain taimsoen.
Australian Eastern Time
- Bipo: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT / UTC +11)
- Pas: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST / UTC +10)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-05 16:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin AEST na AEDT, inkludin Kambra, Melben, Niukasel, Sidni na Wollongong.
Australian Central Time
- Bipo: Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT / UTC +10:30)
- Pas: Australian Central Standard Time (ACST / UTC +9:30)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-05 16:30 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin ACST na ACDT, inkludin Adalet.
Morocco na Western Sahara
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Pas: West Africa Time (GMT+1 / UTC +1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-06 02:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Morocco na Western Sahara, inkludim Casablanca, Marrakesh na Rabat.
- Maroko na Wes Sahara gat delait lukautim taim ol yia, nogat Ramadan, wanem delait lukautim taim bin stopim.
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 00:00AM long 23:00PM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Chile Daylight Time (CLDT / UTC -3)
- Pas: Chile Standard Time (CLT / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-06 03:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Chile, inkludim Antofagasta, Puente Alto, Santiago, Valparaíso na Viña del Mar.
- Ista Ailan senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Chile, tasol lokel taim bilong Ista Ailan i stap tu aua bihain Chile.
Sarere Epril 12 2025
Fraide Epril 25 2025
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 00:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Egypt Standard Time (GMT +2 / UTC +2)
- Pas: Egypt Daylight Time (GMT +3 / UTC +3)
- Transisen taim: 2025-04-24 22:00 UTC
Sarere Septemba 6 2025
Ista Ailan, Región de Valparaíso, Chile
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 22:00PM long 23:00PM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Easter Island Standard Time (EAST / UTC -6)
- Pas: Easter Island Daylight Time (EADT / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-09-07 04:00 UTC
- Ista Ailan senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Chile, tasol lokel taim bilong Ista Ailan i stap tu aua bihain Chile.
Sande Septemba 7 2025
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 00:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Chile Standard Time (CLT / UTC -4)
- Pas: Chile Daylight Time (CLDT / UTC -3)
- Transisen taim: 2025-09-07 04:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Chile, inkludim Antofagasta, Puente Alto, Santiago, Valparaíso na Viña del Mar.
- Ista Ailan senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Chile, tasol lokel taim bilong Ista Ailan i stap tu aua bihain Chile.
Sande Septemba 28 2025
Chatham Islands, Niu Silan
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 02:45AM long 03:45AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Chatham Standard Time (CHAST / UTC +12:45)
- Pas: Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT / UTC +13:45)
- Transisen taim: 2025-09-27 14:00 UTC
Niu Silan
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: New Zealand Standard Time (NZST / UTC +12)
- Pas: New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT / UTC +13)
- Transisen taim: 2025-09-27 14:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Niu Silan, inkludim Christchurch, Oklan na Wellington.
- Nogat aplaim bilong ol dipendan teritori na ol ailan.
Sande Oktoba 5 2025
Norfolk Island
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Norfolk Time (NFT / UTC +11)
- Pas: Norfolk Daylight Time (NFDT / UTC +12)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-04 15:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Norfolk Island.
- Time zone news: Norfolk Island will have daylight saving time
Lord Howe Island, Niu Saut Wels, Ostrelia
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran hap bilong aua long 02:00AM long 02:30AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST / UTC +10:30)
- Pas: Lord Howe Daylight Time (LHDT / UTC +11)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-04 15:30 UTC
Sama statim
Dispela taim bin setim fran wan aua long 02:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
Ostrelia gat 9 taimsoen. Mos bilong kantri gat DLT long sama. Sama statim bilong wankain taim long ol bilong Ostrelia, tasol nogat saimaltenisasli, bikos bilong narakain taimsoen.
Australian Eastern Time
- Bipo: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST / UTC +10)
- Pas: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT / UTC +11)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-04 16:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin AEST na AEDT, inkludin Kambra, Melben, Niukasel, Sidni na Wollongong.
Australian Central Time
- Bipo: Australian Central Standard Time (ACST / UTC +9:30)
- Pas: Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT / UTC +10:30)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-04 16:30 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin ACST na ACDT, inkludin Adalet.
Sarere Oktoba 25 2025
Sande Oktoba 26 2025
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 00:00AM long 23:00PM lokel taim.
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 03:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
Mos bilong Is Yurop
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 04:00AM long 03:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Eastern European Summer Time (EEST / UTC +3)
- Pas: Eastern European Time (EET / UTC +2)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Gris, Latvia, Litva, Pinlan, Romania, Ukraine na Åland Islands.
- Winta statim long wankain taim bilong ol bilong Yurop (nogat Moldova), tasol long narakain lokel taim long ol taimsoen.
Mos bilong Yurop
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 03:00AM long 02:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- Pas: Central European Time (CET / UTC +1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belsum, Bosnia na Hesegovina, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Gibraltar, Hangari, Italia, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Ol Nitelan, Poland, Pranis, San Marino, Sebia, Siaman, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spen, Suwidan, Switzerland na Vatican City.
- Winta statim long wankain taim bilong ol bilong Yurop (nogat Moldova), tasol long narakain lokel taim long ol taimsoen.
Wes Grinlan
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 00:00AM long 23:00PM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Western Greenland Summer Time (WGST / UTC -1)
- Pas: Western Greenland Time (WGT / UTC -2)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin WGT na WGST, inkludin Nuuk.
United Kingdom
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: British Summer Time (BST / UTC +1)
- Pas: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong United Kingdom na Kraun ples bilong em, inkludim Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Landen, Leeds, Liverpool na Sheffield.
- Nogat aplaim bilong teritori.
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Irish Standard Time (IST / UTC +1)
- Pas: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Aialan, inkludim Cork, Dablin, Dún Laoghaire na Limerick.
- Laik narapela ples i gat delait lukautim taim, Aialan gat delait lukautim taim long winta, na nomal taim long sama. Winta taim i stap wan aua bihain sama taim.
Canary Islands, Faroe Islands na Posugol
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Western European Summer Time (WEST / UTC +1)
- Pas: Western European Time (WET / UTC +0)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Canary Islands, Faroe Islands na Posugol, inkludim Las Palmas, Lisbon, Madeira, Porto District, Santa Cruz de Tenerife na Tórshavn.
- Canary Islands senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Spen, tasol lokel taim bilong Canary Islands i stap wan aua bihain Spen.
Azores, Posugol
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 01:00AM long 00:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Azores Summer Time (AZOST / UTC +0)
- Pas: Azores Time (AZOT / UTC -1)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Azores, inkludim Angra do Heroísmo, Horta na Ponta Delgada.
- Azores senisim taim saimalteniasli na rest bilong Posugol, tasol lokel taim bilong Azores i stap wan aua bihain Posugol.
Is Grinlan
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 00:00AM long 23:00PM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Greenland Summer Time (EGST / UTC -1)
- Pas: Eastern Greenland Time (EGT / UTC -2)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin EGT na EGST, inkludin Ittoqqortoormiit.
Troll research station, Antarctica
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek tu aua long 03:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- Pas: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC / UTC +0)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-26 01:00 UTC
Fraide Oktoba 31 2025
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 00:00AM long 23:00PM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Egypt Daylight Time (GMT +3 / UTC +3)
- Pas: Egypt Standard Time (GMT +2 / UTC +2)
- Transisen taim: 2025-10-30 21:00 UTC
Sande Novemba 2 2025
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Daylight Time (PMDT / UTC -2)
- Pas: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Standard Time (PMST / UTC -3)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 04:00 UTC
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 01:00AM long 00:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Cuba Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -4)
- Pas: Cuba Standard Time (CST / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 05:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Cuba, inkludim Havana, Santa Clara na Santiago de Cuba.
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Pas: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 05:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Bermuda.
Qaanaaq, Greenland
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Pas: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 05:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong Qaanaaq.
United States
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
United States gat 11 taimsoen. Mos bilong kantri gat DLT long sama. Winta statim bilong wankain taim long ol bilong United States, tasol nogat saimaltenisasli, bikos bilong narakain taimsoen.
Eastern Time
- Bipo: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Pas: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 06:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin EST na EDT, inkludin Miami, New York, Philadelphia na Washington, D.C..
Central Time
- Bipo: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Pas: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 07:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin CST na CDT, inkludin Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio na Sikago.
Mountain Time
- Bipo: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT / UTC -6)
- Pas: Mountain Standard Time (MST / UTC -7)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 08:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin MST na MDT, inkludin Albuquerque, Denver na El Paso.
Pacific Time
- Bipo: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT / UTC -7)
- Pas: Pacific Standard Time (PST / UTC -8)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 09:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin PST na PDT, inkludin Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose na Seattle.
Alaska Time
Alaska: Ol ailan wes bilong -169.5°
- Bipo: Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (HADT / UTC -9)
- Pas: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST / UTC -10)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 11:00 UTC
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
Canada gat 6 taimsoen. Mos bilong kantri gat DLT long sama. Winta statim bilong wankain taim long ol bilong Canada, tasol nogat saimaltenisasli, bikos bilong narakain taimsoen.
Newfoundland Time
- Bipo: Newfoundland Daylight Time (NDT / UTC -2:30)
- Pas: Newfoundland Standard Time (NST / UTC -3:30)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 04:30 UTC
Atlantic Time
- Bipo: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Pas: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 05:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin AST na ADT, inkludin New Brunswick, Nova Scotia na Prince Edward Island.
Eastern Time
Central Time
- Bipo: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Pas: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 07:00 UTC
- Aplaim long ples i stap senisim bitwin CST na CDT, inkludin Manitoba.
Mountain Time
The Bahamas
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Pas: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 06:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong The Bahamas, inkludim Nassau.
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Pas: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 06:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Haiti, inkludim Port-au-Prince.
Turks and Caicos Islands
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
- Bipo: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Pas: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 06:00 UTC
- Aplaim bilong ol bilong Turks and Caicos Islands, inkludim Cockburn Town.
Meksiko (stet bilong Baha Kalifonia na ples nia lain bilong Yunaitit Stet)
Winta statim
Dispela taim bin setim bek wan aua long 02:00AM long 01:00AM lokel taim.
Meksiko gat 4 taimsoen. Mexico stopped observing DST in 2022, except for the state of Baja California and regions near the US border, which follow the same daylight saving time schedule as the United States.
Zona Noroeste
US border regions in Zona Centro
- Bipo: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Pas: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 07:00 UTC
- Aplaim long lain ples bilong Yunaitit Stet i stap senisim bitwin CST na CDT, inkludim Heroica Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo na Reynosa.
US border regions in Zona Pacífico
- Bipo: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT / UTC -6)
- Pas: Mountain Standard Time (MST / UTC -7)
- Transisen taim: 2025-11-02 08:00 UTC
- Aplaim long lain ples bilong Yunaitit Stet i stap senisim bitwin MST na MDT, inkludim Ciudad Juárez.
Sarere, Mas 15, 2025, wik 11
San ↑ 06:09AM ↓ 18:08PM (11a 59m) - Moa info - Putim bilong lis bilong feverit ples bilong yu