L'hora a Denver, Colorado, Estados Unidos ara

Dimarts, 11 de Març, 2025, setmana 11
Denver switched to horari d'estiu at 02:00 on Diumenge, 9 de Març. L'hora s'ha fixat a una hora forward.
Sol: ↑ 07:15 ↓ 19:04 (11h 49m) - Més info
- Fer que l'hora de Denver sigui la predeterminada - Afegir a localitzacions preferides

Time zone info for Denver

UTC -6
Mountain Time (MT)
ara 2 hores darrere Nova York
Diumenge Març 9 2025
Latest change: Summer time started
  • Switched to UTC -6 / Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
  • The time was set forward una hora from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
Diumenge Novembre 2 2025
Next change: Winter time starts
  • Switching to UTC -7 / Mountain Standard Time (MST).
  • The time will be set back una hora from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.

Time difference
from Denver

Los Angeles
1 hores
1 hores
Chicago+1 hores
Nova York+2 hores
Toronto+2 hores
São Paulo+3 hores
Londres+6 hores
UTC+6 hores
Lagos+7 hores
París+7 hores
Zuric+7 hores
Cairo+8 hores
Johannesburgo+8 hores
Istanbul+9 hores
Moscou+9 hores
Dubai+10 hores
Mumbai+11,5 hores
Hong Kong+14 hores
Singapur+14 hores
Xangai+14 hores
Tòquio+15 hores
Sydney+17 hores
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Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Denver

Denver on the map