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Qualsevol feedback (excepte spam) serà benvingut! Pots ser anònim si no vols ser contestat.
Did you check our FAQ page? Maybe your question is answered there.
If possible, please write in English.
Did you check our FAQ page? Maybe your question is answered there.
If possible, please write in English.
Before you tell us our time is not correct, please note:
- The time zone in Nova York is currently not EST. Check Eastern Time (ET) instead. EST and ET is the same time only half of the year.
- The time zone in Califòrnia is currently not PST. Check Pacific Time (PT) instead. PST and PT is the same time only half of the year.
Diumenge, 8 de Setembre, 2024, setmana 36
Sol: ↑ 06:29 ↓ 19:18 (12h 48m) - Més info - Fer que l'hora de Nova York sigui la predeterminada - Afegir a localitzacions preferides