Please note: GMT is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.

L'hora a Greenwich Mean Time i Nova York

Please note: GMT is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.
  • Quan l'hora era 23:59 del Dimecres, 1 d'Agost a Greenwich Mean Time, ho era 19:59 a Nova York.
  • Temps restant:
  • Greenwich Mean Time està 4 hores més avançat que Nova York.
  • Fes clic a qualsevol hora de la taula de sota per a obrir i compartir l'esdeveniment de la pàgina de l'hora

Time difference from Greenwich Mean Time

Nova York
4 hores
4 hores

Greenwich Mean Time

Nova York (-4h)

Dimecres 23:59Dimecres 19:59
Dijous 00:59Dimecres 20:59
Dijous 01:59Dimecres 21:59
Dijous 02:59Dimecres 22:59
Dijous 03:59Dimecres 23:59
Dijous 04:59Dijous 00:59
Dijous 05:59Dijous 01:59
Dijous 06:59Dijous 02:59
Dijous 07:59Dijous 03:59
Dijous 08:59Dijous 04:59
Dijous 09:59Dijous 05:59
Dijous 10:59Dijous 06:59
Dijous 11:59Dijous 07:59
Dijous 12:59Dijous 08:59
Dijous 13:59Dijous 09:59
Dijous 14:59Dijous 10:59
Dijous 15:59Dijous 11:59
Dijous 16:59Dijous 12:59
Dijous 17:59Dijous 13:59
Dijous 18:59Dijous 14:59
Dijous 19:59Dijous 15:59
Dijous 20:59Dijous 16:59
Dijous 21:59Dijous 17:59
Dijous 22:59Dijous 18:59
Dijous 23:59Dijous 19:59
Divendres 00:59Dijous 20:59
Divendres 01:59Dijous 21:59
Divendres 02:59Dijous 22:59
Divendres 03:59Dijous 23:59
Divendres 04:59Divendres 00:59
Divendres 05:59Divendres 01:59
Divendres 06:59Divendres 02:59
Divendres 07:59Divendres 03:59
Divendres 08:59Divendres 04:59
Divendres 09:59Divendres 05:59
Divendres 10:59Divendres 06:59

Compara un altra cop

Please note: GMT is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.
Dimecres, 3 de Juliol, 2024, setmana 27