Please note: Most locations in the Eastern Time zone are currently observing EDT, not EST. See Eastern Time.

L'hora a Eastern Standard Time i Nova York

Please note: Most locations in the Eastern Time zone are currently observing EDT, not EST. See Eastern Time.
  • 12:00 del Dilluns, 20 de Desembre, 2021
  • Temps restant:
  • Eastern Standard Time té la mateixa hora que Nova York.
  • Fes clic a qualsevol hora de la taula de sota per a obrir i compartir l'esdeveniment de la pàgina de l'hora

Time difference from Eastern Standard Time

Nova York0
UTC+5 hores

Eastern Standard Time

Nova York (+0h)

Dilluns 12:00Dilluns 12:00
Dilluns 13:00Dilluns 13:00
Dilluns 14:00Dilluns 14:00
Dilluns 15:00Dilluns 15:00
Dilluns 16:00Dilluns 16:00
Dilluns 17:00Dilluns 17:00
Dilluns 18:00Dilluns 18:00
Dilluns 19:00Dilluns 19:00
Dilluns 20:00Dilluns 20:00
Dilluns 21:00Dilluns 21:00
Dilluns 22:00Dilluns 22:00
Dilluns 23:00Dilluns 23:00
Dimarts 00:00Dimarts 00:00
Dimarts 01:00Dimarts 01:00
Dimarts 02:00Dimarts 02:00
Dimarts 03:00Dimarts 03:00
Dimarts 04:00Dimarts 04:00
Dimarts 05:00Dimarts 05:00
Dimarts 06:00Dimarts 06:00
Dimarts 07:00Dimarts 07:00
Dimarts 08:00Dimarts 08:00
Dimarts 09:00Dimarts 09:00
Dimarts 10:00Dimarts 10:00
Dimarts 11:00Dimarts 11:00
Dimarts 12:00Dimarts 12:00
Dimarts 13:00Dimarts 13:00
Dimarts 14:00Dimarts 14:00
Dimarts 15:00Dimarts 15:00
Dimarts 16:00Dimarts 16:00
Dimarts 17:00Dimarts 17:00
Dimarts 18:00Dimarts 18:00
Dimarts 19:00Dimarts 19:00
Dimarts 20:00Dimarts 20:00
Dimarts 21:00Dimarts 21:00
Dimarts 22:00Dimarts 22:00
Dimarts 23:00Dimarts 23:00

Compara un altra cop

Please note: Most locations in the Eastern Time zone are currently observing EDT, not EST. See Eastern Time.
Dissabte, 19 d'Octubre, 2024, setmana 42