Please note: GMT is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.

Time in Jeruzalem, Madrid, Greenwich Mean Time, Rovníková Guinea, Mexiko, Bogota, San Juan, Miami, Lima, Santiago a Turecko

Please note: GMT is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.
  • When the time was 22:00 on pondelok, apríl 19 in Jeruzalem, it was 14:00 in Mexiko, Bogota a Lima, 15:00 in San Juan, Miami a Santiago, 19:00 in Greenwich Mean Time, 20:00 in Rovníková Guinea, 21:00 in Madrid, a 22:00 in Turecko.
  • Time remaining:
  • Jeruzalem is 8 hodiny ahead of Mexiko, Bogota a Lima, 7 hodiny ahead of San Juan, Miami a Santiago, 3 hodiny ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, 2 hodiny ahead of Rovníková Guinea, 1 hodina ahead of Madrid, a has the same time as Turecko.
  • Press any time in the table below to open and share the event time page.

Time difference from Jeruzalem

8 hodiny
8 hodiny
8 hodiny
8 hodiny
8 hodiny
8 hodiny
7 hodiny
7 hodiny
San Juan
7 hodiny
7 hodiny
7 hodiny
7 hodiny
Greenwich Mean Time
3 hodiny
3 hodiny
Rovníková Guinea
2 hodiny
2 hodiny
1 hodiny
1 hodiny


Madrid (-1h)

Greenwich Mean Time (-3h)

Rovníková Guinea (-2h)

Mexiko (-8h)

Bogota (-8h)

San Juan (-7h)

Miami (-7h)

Lima (-8h)

Santiago (-7h)

Turecko (+0h)

pondelok 22:00pondelok 21:00pondelok 19:00pondelok 20:00pondelok 14:00pondelok 14:00pondelok 15:00pondelok 15:00pondelok 14:00pondelok 15:00pondelok 22:00
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utorok 00:00pondelok 23:00pondelok 21:00pondelok 22:00pondelok 16:00pondelok 16:00pondelok 17:00pondelok 17:00pondelok 16:00pondelok 17:00utorok 00:00
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utorok 02:00utorok 01:00pondelok 23:00utorok 00:00pondelok 18:00pondelok 18:00pondelok 19:00pondelok 19:00pondelok 18:00pondelok 19:00utorok 02:00
utorok 03:00utorok 02:00utorok 00:00utorok 01:00pondelok 19:00pondelok 19:00pondelok 20:00pondelok 20:00pondelok 19:00pondelok 20:00utorok 03:00
utorok 04:00utorok 03:00utorok 01:00utorok 02:00pondelok 20:00pondelok 20:00pondelok 21:00pondelok 21:00pondelok 20:00pondelok 21:00utorok 04:00
utorok 05:00utorok 04:00utorok 02:00utorok 03:00pondelok 21:00pondelok 21:00pondelok 22:00pondelok 22:00pondelok 21:00pondelok 22:00utorok 05:00
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utorok 10:00utorok 09:00utorok 07:00utorok 08:00utorok 02:00utorok 02:00utorok 03:00utorok 03:00utorok 02:00utorok 03:00utorok 10:00
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utorok 12:00utorok 11:00utorok 09:00utorok 10:00utorok 04:00utorok 04:00utorok 05:00utorok 05:00utorok 04:00utorok 05:00utorok 12:00
utorok 13:00utorok 12:00utorok 10:00utorok 11:00utorok 05:00utorok 05:00utorok 06:00utorok 06:00utorok 05:00utorok 06:00utorok 13:00
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utorok 15:00utorok 14:00utorok 12:00utorok 13:00utorok 07:00utorok 07:00utorok 08:00utorok 08:00utorok 07:00utorok 08:00utorok 15:00
utorok 16:00utorok 15:00utorok 13:00utorok 14:00utorok 08:00utorok 08:00utorok 09:00utorok 09:00utorok 08:00utorok 09:00utorok 16:00
utorok 17:00utorok 16:00utorok 14:00utorok 15:00utorok 09:00utorok 09:00utorok 10:00utorok 10:00utorok 09:00utorok 10:00utorok 17:00
utorok 18:00utorok 17:00utorok 15:00utorok 16:00utorok 10:00utorok 10:00utorok 11:00utorok 11:00utorok 10:00utorok 11:00utorok 18:00
utorok 19:00utorok 18:00utorok 16:00utorok 17:00utorok 11:00utorok 11:00utorok 12:00utorok 12:00utorok 11:00utorok 12:00utorok 19:00
utorok 20:00utorok 19:00utorok 17:00utorok 18:00utorok 12:00utorok 12:00utorok 13:00utorok 13:00utorok 12:00utorok 13:00utorok 20:00
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streda 00:00utorok 23:00utorok 21:00utorok 22:00utorok 16:00utorok 16:00utorok 17:00utorok 17:00utorok 16:00utorok 17:00streda 00:00
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streda 05:00streda 04:00streda 02:00streda 03:00utorok 21:00utorok 21:00utorok 22:00utorok 22:00utorok 21:00utorok 22:00streda 05:00
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Please note: GMT is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.
sobota, september 28, 2024, týždeň 39
Sun: ↑ 06:49 ↓ 18:44 (11h 55m) - More info - Make New York time default - Add to favorite locations