Time in Sark, Guernsey now

Domingo, Dezembro 22, 2024, semana 51

Time zone info for Sark

UTC +0
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
agora 5 horas adiantado em relação a Nova Iorque
Domingo Outubro 27 2024
Latest change: Winter time started
  • Switched to UTC +0 / Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  • The time was set back uma hora from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
Domingo Março 30 2025
Next change: Summer time starts
  • Switching to UTC +1 / British Summer Time (BST).
  • The time will be set forward uma hora from 01:00 to 02:00 local time.

Time difference
from Sark

Los Angeles
8 horas
8 horas
6 horas
6 horas
Nova Iorque
5 horas
5 horas
5 horas
5 horas
São Paulo
3 horas
3 horas
Lagos+1 horas
Paris+1 horas
Zurique+1 horas
Cairo+2 horas
Joanesburgo+2 horas
Istambul+3 horas
Moscovo+3 horas
Dubai+4 horas
Mumbai+5.5 horas
Hong Kong+8 horas
Singapura+8 horas
Xangai+8 horas
Tóquio+9 horas
Sydney+11 horas
Compare other time zones

Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Sark

Sark on the map

8 places in

Blanches Rocques Côbo La Seigneurie Le Villocq Les Mourains Pulais Sark St Peter Port