Conas feidhm a bhaint as
Sparáil am duit féin trí thamall a chaitheamh ag foghlaim conas feidhm a bhaint as ar bhealach níos éifeachtúla!
Aicearraí méarchláir
F | Scoránaigh lánscáileán |
iomlaoid D | Scoránaigh an téama dorcha |
iomlaoid Z | Gluais trí mhéideanna na gclog |
iomlaoid S | Scoránaigh an fhuaim |
iomlaoid M | Scoránaigh an roghchlár |
. | Toggle seconds, tenths and milliseconds |
iomlaoid T | Téigh chuig |
- | Téigh chuig |
iomlaoid C | Téigh chuig féilire |
iomlaoid O | Téigh chuig na roghanna |
iomlaoid U | Téigh chuig |
$ | Téigh chuig Currency World (tiontaire airgeadra) |
? | Téigh chuig an leathanach seo |
home | Nuair atá tú ag barr an leathanaigh: Téigh chuig leathanach baile |
1 - 9 | Téigh chuig |
esc | Fág an lánscáileán, cuardach, nó roghchlár |
/ | Téigh chuig an bosca cuardaigh. You can also start a search by pressing any letter except F. |
Aicearraí i gcomhair an scáileáin thadhaill agus na luchóige
- Brúigh an dáta faoin gclog chun an féilire a oscailt
- Brúigh an taobh clé den chlog chun an lánscáileán a scoránaigh.
- Press the right side of the clock to toggle seconds, tenths and milliseconds. (This function must be enabled in the configuration.)
URLs for specific locations
URLs on are simple. To see what time it is in London, just go to
- If there is more than one location with the same name, the URL for the smaller location will include country or region name.
Example: The URL for Melbourne, Australia is simply, while Melbourne, Florida has the URL,_Florida. - You can use two-letter abbreviations for states in the United States.
Example: redirects to - Countries can be addressed by top-level domain names.
Example: If you type, you will be redirected to - You can use underscores or spaces in URLs. The URLs are case insensitive.
Example: If you go to york, you will be redirected to - URLs use English names of locations and time zones.
Time zone URLs
To see what time it is in a specific time zone, use the time zone abbreviation.
Example: The URL for Pacific Time is
Example: The URL for Pacific Time is
- Some time zone abbreviations are ambiguous. In these cases the most popular time zone is addressed by the abbreviation, while others have the time zone name spelled out in the URL.
Example: The URL for India Standard Time is, while Israel Time is found at - You can also type the full name into the URL instead of using the abbreviation.
Example: If you go to Mean Time, you will be redirected to
You can change language, time format, date format and other useful options on the configuration page.
Déardaoin, Eanáir 2, 2025, seachtain 1
Grian: ↑ 000000: (9u 23n) - Tuilleadh eolais - Socraigh an t-am in Nua-Eabhrac mar an réamhshocrú - Cuir leis na háiteanna is ansa leat