
Aktuelle Zeit in Saint-Marc, Haiti

Freitag, 19. April 2024, Woche 16

Time zone info for Saint-Marc

UTC -4
Eastern Time (ET)
always same time as New York City
Sonntag März 10 2024
Latest change: Summer time started
  • Switched to UTC -4 / Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
  • The time was set forward eine Stunde from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
Sonntag November 3 2024
Next change: Winter time starts
  • Switching to UTC -5 / Eastern Standard Time (EST).
  • The time will be set back eine Stunde from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.

Time difference
from Saint-Marc

Los Angeles
3 Stunden
3 Stunden
1 Stunden
1 Stunden
New York City0
São Paulo+1 Stunden
UTC+4 Stunden
Lagos+5 Stunden
London+5 Stunden
Johannesburg+6 Stunden
Kairo+6 Stunden
Paris+6 Stunden
Zürich+6 Stunden
Istanbul+7 Stunden
Moskau+7 Stunden
Dubai+8 Stunden
Mumbai+9,5 Stunden
Hongkong+12 Stunden
Shanghai+12 Stunden
Singapur+12 Stunden
Tokio+13 Stunden
Sydney+14 Stunden
Compare other time zones

Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Saint-Marc

Saint-Marc on the map

The 25 largest cities in

Cap-Haitien Delmas 73 Dessalines Désarmes Fond Parisien Gonaïves Grangwav Gressier Hinche Jacmel Jérémie Kenscoff Lenbe Les Cayes Léogâne Miragoâne Port-au-Prince Port-de-Paix Pétionville Saint-Marc Saint-Raphaël Thomazeau Ti Port-de-Paix Tigwav Verrettes