Exact time now:

vrijdag 28 maart 2025 (week 13)
Zon: ↑ 06:02 ↓ 18:15 (12h 13m) - Meer informatie - Voeg toe aan vaste locaties

This weekend:
Daylight Saving Time starts in Europe, the Middle East and Greenland.

March 28 Friday
  • Switched at 02:00
March 29 Saturday
  • Switches at 23:00
March 30 Sunday
See our page about daylight saving time changes in 2025 or check specific location pages for more info.
Abu Dhabi Addis Abeba Amman Amsterdam Antananarivo Athene Auckland Bagdad Bangkok Barcelona Beiroet Berlijn Bogota Boston Brussel Buenos Aires Caracas Caïro Chicago Damascus Delhi Dhaka Dubai Dublin Frankfurt am Main Hanoi Havana Helsinki Hongkong Honolulu Istanbul Jakarta Kaapstad Kanton Karachi Kathmandu Kinshasa Kuala Lumpur Kyiv Lagos Las Vegas Lima Londen Los Angeles Luanda Madrid Manilla Mekka Mexico-stad Miami Milaan Moskou Mumbai New Delhi New York Nuuk Osaka Oslo Parijs Peking Praag Rangoon Reykjavik Rio de Janeiro Riyad Rome San Francisco Santiago Seoel Shenzhen Singapore Sint-Petersburg Sjanghai Stockholm Sydney São Paulo Taipei Teheran Tel Aviv Tokio Toronto Vancouver Warschau Washington, D.C. Wenen

Pacific Time Mountain Time Central Time Eastern Time China Standard Time India Standard Time
"Who can say where the road goes, where the day flows? Only time."