Alakamisy, Martsa 27, 2025, herinandro 13
Groenland switches to ora fahavaratra at 23:00 on Sabotsy, Martsa 29. The time is set ora iray forward.
Groenland has 3 time zones. The time zone for the capital Nuuk is used here.
Masoandro ↑ 06:58 ↓ 20:06 (13ora 8mn) - Fanazavana fanampiny - Ampiana ao amin'ny toerana tena tianao
Groenland has 3 time zones. The time zone for the capital Nuuk is used here.
Masoandro ↑ 06:58 ↓ 20:06 (13ora 8mn) - Fanazavana fanampiny - Ampiana ao amin'ny toerana tena tianao