Ny ora ao amin'ny London, Pacific Standard Time, Central Standard Time, Central European Time sy Torkia
- When the time was 13:00 on Zoma, Aprily 16 in London, it was 04:00 in Pacific Standard Time, 06:00 in Central Standard Time, 14:00 in Central European Time, sy 15:00 in Torkia.
- Fotoana sisa:
- London dia 9 ora ahead of Pacific Standard Time, 7 ora ahead of Central Standard Time, 1 ora behind Central European Time, sy 2 ora behind Torkia.
- Press any time in the table below to open and share the event time page.
Time difference from London
Pacific Standard Time | −9 ora | −9 ora |
Central Standard Time | −7 ora | −7 ora |
Central European Time | +1 ora | |
Torkia | +2 ora |
London | Pacific Standard Time (-9ora) | Central Standard Time (-7ora) | Central European Time (+1ora) | Torkia (+2ora) |
Zoma 13:00 | Zoma 04:00 | Zoma 06:00 | Zoma 14:00 | Zoma 15:00 |
Zoma 14:00 | Zoma 05:00 | Zoma 07:00 | Zoma 15:00 | Zoma 16:00 |
Zoma 15:00 | Zoma 06:00 | Zoma 08:00 | Zoma 16:00 | Zoma 17:00 |
Zoma 16:00 | Zoma 07:00 | Zoma 09:00 | Zoma 17:00 | Zoma 18:00 |
Zoma 17:00 | Zoma 08:00 | Zoma 10:00 | Zoma 18:00 | Zoma 19:00 |
Zoma 18:00 | Zoma 09:00 | Zoma 11:00 | Zoma 19:00 | Zoma 20:00 |
Zoma 19:00 | Zoma 10:00 | Zoma 12:00 | Zoma 20:00 | Zoma 21:00 |
Zoma 20:00 | Zoma 11:00 | Zoma 13:00 | Zoma 21:00 | Zoma 22:00 |
Zoma 21:00 | Zoma 12:00 | Zoma 14:00 | Zoma 22:00 | Zoma 23:00 |
Zoma 22:00 | Zoma 13:00 | Zoma 15:00 | Zoma 23:00 | Sabotsy 00:00 |
Zoma 23:00 | Zoma 14:00 | Zoma 16:00 | Sabotsy 00:00 | Sabotsy 01:00 |
Sabotsy 00:00 | Zoma 15:00 | Zoma 17:00 | Sabotsy 01:00 | Sabotsy 02:00 |
Sabotsy 01:00 | Zoma 16:00 | Zoma 18:00 | Sabotsy 02:00 | Sabotsy 03:00 |
Sabotsy 02:00 | Zoma 17:00 | Zoma 19:00 | Sabotsy 03:00 | Sabotsy 04:00 |
Sabotsy 03:00 | Zoma 18:00 | Zoma 20:00 | Sabotsy 04:00 | Sabotsy 05:00 |
Sabotsy 04:00 | Zoma 19:00 | Zoma 21:00 | Sabotsy 05:00 | Sabotsy 06:00 |
Sabotsy 05:00 | Zoma 20:00 | Zoma 22:00 | Sabotsy 06:00 | Sabotsy 07:00 |
Sabotsy 06:00 | Zoma 21:00 | Zoma 23:00 | Sabotsy 07:00 | Sabotsy 08:00 |
Sabotsy 07:00 | Zoma 22:00 | Sabotsy 00:00 | Sabotsy 08:00 | Sabotsy 09:00 |
Sabotsy 08:00 | Zoma 23:00 | Sabotsy 01:00 | Sabotsy 09:00 | Sabotsy 10:00 |
Sabotsy 09:00 | Sabotsy 00:00 | Sabotsy 02:00 | Sabotsy 10:00 | Sabotsy 11:00 |
Sabotsy 10:00 | Sabotsy 01:00 | Sabotsy 03:00 | Sabotsy 11:00 | Sabotsy 12:00 |
Sabotsy 11:00 | Sabotsy 02:00 | Sabotsy 04:00 | Sabotsy 12:00 | Sabotsy 13:00 |
Sabotsy 12:00 | Sabotsy 03:00 | Sabotsy 05:00 | Sabotsy 13:00 | Sabotsy 14:00 |
Sabotsy 13:00 | Sabotsy 04:00 | Sabotsy 06:00 | Sabotsy 14:00 | Sabotsy 15:00 |
Sabotsy 14:00 | Sabotsy 05:00 | Sabotsy 07:00 | Sabotsy 15:00 | Sabotsy 16:00 |
Sabotsy 15:00 | Sabotsy 06:00 | Sabotsy 08:00 | Sabotsy 16:00 | Sabotsy 17:00 |
Sabotsy 16:00 | Sabotsy 07:00 | Sabotsy 09:00 | Sabotsy 17:00 | Sabotsy 18:00 |
Sabotsy 17:00 | Sabotsy 08:00 | Sabotsy 10:00 | Sabotsy 18:00 | Sabotsy 19:00 |
Sabotsy 18:00 | Sabotsy 09:00 | Sabotsy 11:00 | Sabotsy 19:00 | Sabotsy 20:00 |
Sabotsy 19:00 | Sabotsy 10:00 | Sabotsy 12:00 | Sabotsy 20:00 | Sabotsy 21:00 |
Sabotsy 20:00 | Sabotsy 11:00 | Sabotsy 13:00 | Sabotsy 21:00 | Sabotsy 22:00 |
Sabotsy 21:00 | Sabotsy 12:00 | Sabotsy 14:00 | Sabotsy 22:00 | Sabotsy 23:00 |
Sabotsy 22:00 | Sabotsy 13:00 | Sabotsy 15:00 | Sabotsy 23:00 | Alahady 00:00 |
Sabotsy 23:00 | Sabotsy 14:00 | Sabotsy 16:00 | Alahady 00:00 | Alahady 01:00 |
Alahady 00:00 | Sabotsy 15:00 | Sabotsy 17:00 | Alahady 01:00 | Alahady 02:00 |
Compare again
Alahady, Desambra 29, 2024, herinandro 52
Masoandro ↑ 07:18 ↓ 16:39 (9ora 21mn) - Fanazavana fanampiny - Ovao ho New York ny toerana misy anao - Ampiana ao amin'ny toerana tena tianao