Please note: Australia Eastern Standard Time is currently observed only in Queensland. Sydney is currently one hour ahead of AEST. See Australia Eastern Daylight Time
Time zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
UTC +10
지금뉴욕 보다 14 시간 빠릅니다
Australian Eastern Standard Time is the time in 뉴욕 보다 15 시간 빠릅니다 when 뉴욕 is on standard time, and the time in 뉴욕 보다 14 시간 빠릅니다 when 뉴욕 is on daylight saving time.
Australian Eastern Standard Time has not had daylight saving time since 1992.
Australian Eastern Standard Time의 IANA 시간대식별자는 Australia/Brisbane 그리고 Australia/Lindeman 입니다.