Daylight Saving Time 2021
Was the time set backwards or forwards? When? Where? This page lists all daylight saving time changes and other time zone changes around the world for 2021.
- Transition timestamps were extracted from the latest version of the IANA time zone database (ვერსია 2022f, ჩანართების გარეშე).
კვირა იანვარი 17 2021
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: Fiji Summer Time (FJST / UTC +13)
- After: Fiji Time (FJT / UTC +12)
- Transition time: 2021-01-16 14:00 UTC
- Time zone news: Fiji puts DST on hold
კვირა მარტი 14 2021
სენ-პიერი და მიკელონი
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Standard Time (PMST / UTC -3)
- After: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Daylight Time (PMDT / UTC -2)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 05:00 UTC
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Cuba Standard Time (CST / UTC -5)
- After: Cuba Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 05:00 UTC
- Applies to all of კუბა, including სანტა-კლარა, სანტიაგო-დე-კუბა და ჰავანა.
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- After: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 06:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ბერმუდა.
Qaanaaq, გრენლანდია
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- After: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 06:00 UTC
- Applies to all of Qaanaaq.
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
აშშ has 11 time zones. Most of the country observes DST in the summer. Summer time starts at the same local time in all of აშშ, but not simultaneously, due to different time zones.
Eastern Time
- Before: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- After: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 07:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between EST and EDT, including Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., მაიამი და ნიუ-იორკი.
Central Time
- Before: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- After: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 08:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including დალასი, ოსტინი, სან-ანტონიო, ჩიკაგო და ჰიუსტონი.
Mountain Time
Pacific Time
- Before: Pacific Standard Time (PST / UTC -8)
- After: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT / UTC -7)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 10:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between PST and PDT, including ლას-ვეგასი, ლოს-ანჯელესი, პორტლენდი, სან-დიეგო, სან-ფრანცისკო, სან-ხოსე და სიეტლი.
Alaska Time
Alaska: Islands west of -169.5°
- Before: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST / UTC -10)
- After: Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (HADT / UTC -9)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 12:00 UTC
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
კანადა has 6 time zones. Most of the country observes DST in the summer. Summer time starts at the same local time in all of კანადა, but not simultaneously, due to different time zones.
Newfoundland Time
- Before: Newfoundland Standard Time (NST / UTC -3:30)
- After: Newfoundland Daylight Time (NDT / UTC -2:30)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 05:30 UTC
Atlantic Time
- Before: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- After: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 06:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between AST and ADT, including ახალი შოტლანდია, ნიუ-ბრანსუიკი და პრინს-ედუარდის კუნძული.
Eastern Time
Central Time
- Before: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- After: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 08:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including მანიტობა.
Mountain Time
ბაჰამის კუნძულები
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- After: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 07:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ბაჰამის კუნძულები, including ნასაუ.
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- After: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 07:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ჰაიტი, including პორტ-ო-პრენსი.
თერქს-ქაიქოსის კუნძულები
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- After: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 07:00 UTC
- Applies to all of თერქს-ქაიქოსის კუნძულები, including კოკბერნ-ტაუნი.
Mexico (the state of Baja California and areas near the United States border)
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
მექსიკა has 4 time zones. All of Mexico except the states of Quintana Roo and Sonora observe DST in the summer. The state of Baja California and areas near the United States border follow the same DST schedule as the United States, while other DST-observing areas observe DST from 02:00 on the first Sunday of April until 02:00 on the last Sunday of October.
Zona Noroeste
US border regions in Zona Centro
- Before: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- After: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 08:00 UTC
- Applies to US border regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including Heroica Matamoros, ნუევო-ლარედო და რეინოსა.
US border regions in Zona Pacífico
- Before: Mountain Standard Time (MST / UTC -7)
- After: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT / UTC -6)
- Transition time: 2021-03-14 09:00 UTC
- Applies to US border regions that alternate between MST and MDT, including სიუდად-ხუარესი.
ორშაბათი მარტი 22 2021
პარასკევი მარტი 26 2021
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Israel Standard Time (IST / UTC +2)
- After: Israel Daylight Time (IDT / UTC +3)
- Transition time: 2021-03-26 00:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ისრაელი, including თელ-ავივი, იერუსალიმი და ხაიფა.
შაბათი მარტი 27 2021
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.
Western Greenland
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 22:00 to 23:00 local time.
- Before: Western Greenland Time (WGT / UTC -3)
- After: Western Greenland Summer Time (WGST / UTC -2)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between WGT and WGST, including ნუუკი.
კვირა მარტი 28 2021
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
Most of Eastern Europe
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 04:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern European Time (EET / UTC +2)
- After: Eastern European Summer Time (EEST / UTC +3)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to ალანდის კუნძულები, ბულგარეთი, ესტონეთი, კვიპროსი, ლატვია, ლიეტუვა, რუმინეთი, საბერძნეთი, უკრაინა და ფინეთი.
- Summer time starts at the same time in all of Europe (except Moldova), but at different local times, depending on the time zone.
Most of Europe
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Central European Time (CET / UTC +1)
- After: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to ავსტრია, ალბანეთი, ანდორა, ბელგია, ბოსნია და ჰერცეგოვინა, გერმანია, გიბრალტარი, დანია, ესპანეთი, იტალია, კოსოვო, ლიხტენშტაინი, ლუქსემბურგი, მალტა, მონაკო, მონტენეგრო, ნიდერლანდები, ნორვეგია, პოლონეთი, სან-მარინო, საფრანგეთი, სერბია, სლოვაკეთი, სლოვენია, უნგრეთი, ქალაქი ვატიკანი, შვედეთი, შვეიცარია, ჩეხეთი, ჩრდილოეთ მაკედონია და ხორვატია.
- Summer time starts at the same time in all of Europe (except Moldova), but at different local times, depending on the time zone.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 23:00 local time.
დიდი ბრიტანეთი
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 01:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- After: British Summer Time (BST / UTC +1)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of დიდი ბრიტანეთი and its Crown dependencies, including ბელფასტი, ბირმინგემი, ბრისტოლი, გერნსი, გლაზგო, ედინბურგი, კარდიფი, ლიდზი, ლივერპული, ლონდონი, მენის კუნძული, შეფილდი და ჯერსი.
- Does not apply to overseas territories.
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 01:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- After: Irish Standard Time (IST / UTC +1)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ირლანდია, including Dún Laoghaire, Limerick, დუბლინი და კორკი.
- Contrary to other locations that observe daylight saving time, Ireland has daylight saving time in the winter, and standard time in the summer. Winter time is still one hour behind summer time.
კანარის კუნძულები, პორტუგალია და ფაროს კუნძულები
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 01:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: Western European Time (WET / UTC +0)
- After: Western European Summer Time (WEST / UTC +1)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of კანარის კუნძულები, პორტუგალია და ფაროს კუნძულები, including Madeira, Porto, Province of Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ლისაბონი, სანტა-კრუს-დე-ტენერიფე და ტორსჰავნი.
- კანარის კუნძულები changes time simultaneously with the rest of ესპანეთი, but the local time of კანარის კუნძულები is ერთი საათი behind ესპანეთი.
Azores, პორტუგალია
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Azores Time (AZOT / UTC -1)
- After: Azores Summer Time (AZOST / UTC +0)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of Azores, including ანგრა-დუ-ეროიჟმუ, ორტა და პონტა-დელგადა.
- Azores changes time simultaneously with the rest of პორტუგალია, but the local time of Azores is ერთი საათი behind პორტუგალია.
Eastern Greenland
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Greenland Time (EGT / UTC -1)
- After: Eastern Greenland Summer Time (EGST / UTC +0)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between EGT and EGST, including იტოკორტოორმიიტი.
Troll research station, ანტარქტიკა
Summer time started
The time was set forward two hours from 01:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC / UTC +0)
- After: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- Transition time: 2021-03-28 01:00 UTC
შაბათი აპრილი 3 2021
აღდგომის კუნძული, Región de Valparaíso, ჩილე
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 22:00 to 21:00 local time.
- Before: Easter Island Daylight Time (EADT / UTC -5)
- After: Easter Island Standard Time (EAST / UTC -6)
- Transition time: 2021-04-04 03:00 UTC
- აღდგომის კუნძული changes time simultaneously with the rest of ჩილე, but the local time of აღდგომის კუნძული is two hours behind ჩილე.
კვირა აპრილი 4 2021
Chatham Islands, ახალი ზელანდია
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:45 to 02:45 local time.
- Before: Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT / UTC +13:45)
- After: Chatham Standard Time (CHAST / UTC +12:45)
- Transition time: 2021-04-03 14:00 UTC
ახალი ზელანდია
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT / UTC +13)
- After: New Zealand Standard Time (NZST / UTC +12)
- Transition time: 2021-04-03 14:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ახალი ზელანდია, including კრაისტჩერჩი, ოკლენდი და უელინგტონი.
- Does not apply to dependent territories and outlying islands.
ნორფოლკის კუნძული
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: Norfolk Daylight Time (NFDT / UTC +12)
- After: Norfolk Time (NFT / UTC +11)
- Transition time: 2021-04-03 15:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ნორფოლკის კუნძული.
- Time zone news: Norfolk Island will have daylight saving time
Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, ავსტრალია
Winter time started
The time was set back half an hour from 02:00 to 01:30 local time.
- Before: Lord Howe Daylight Time (LHDT / UTC +11)
- After: Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST / UTC +10:30)
- Transition time: 2021-04-03 15:00 UTC
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 02:00 local time.
ავსტრალია has 9 time zones. Most of the country observes DST in the summer. Winter time starts at the same local time in all of ავსტრალია, but not simultaneously, due to different time zones.
Australian Eastern Time
- Before: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT / UTC +11)
- After: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST / UTC +10)
- Transition time: 2021-04-03 16:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between AEST and AEDT, including Melbourne, ვულონგონგი, კანბერა, ნიუკასლი და სიდნეი.
Australian Central Time
- Before: Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT / UTC +10:30)
- After: Australian Central Standard Time (ACST / UTC +9:30)
- Transition time: 2021-04-03 16:30 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between ACST and ACDT, including ადელაიდა.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 23:00 local time.
- Before: Chile Daylight Time (CLDT / UTC -3)
- After: Chile Standard Time (CLT / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-04-04 03:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ჩილე, including Viña del Mar, ანტოფაგასტა, ვალპარაისო, პუენტე-ალტო და სანტიაგო დე ჩილე.
- აღდგომის კუნძული changes time simultaneously with the rest of ჩილე, but the local time of აღდგომის კუნძული is two hours behind ჩილე.
Mexico (except Quintana Roo, Sonora, Baja California and areas near the United States border)
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
მექსიკა has 4 time zones. All of Mexico except the states of Quintana Roo and Sonora observe DST in the summer. The state of Baja California and areas near the United States border follow the same DST schedule as the United States, while other DST-observing areas observe DST from 02:00 on the first Sunday of April until 02:00 on the last Sunday of October.
Zona Centro
- Before: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- After: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-04-04 08:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including Ecatepec de Morelos, Iztapalapa, გვადალახარა, მეხიკო და პუებლა.
კვირა აპრილი 11 2021
დასავლეთ საჰარა და მაროკო
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: West Africa Time (GMT+1 / UTC +1)
- After: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Transition time: 2021-04-11 02:00 UTC
- Applies to all of დასავლეთ საჰარა და მაროკო, including Marrakesh, კასაბლანკა და რაბატი.
- Morocco and Western Sahara observe permanent daylight saving time, except during Ramadan, when daylight saving time is suspended.
კვირა მაისი 16 2021
დასავლეთ საჰარა და მაროკო
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- After: West Africa Time (GMT+1 / UTC +1)
- Transition time: 2021-05-16 02:00 UTC
- Applies to all of დასავლეთ საჰარა და მაროკო, including Marrakesh, კასაბლანკა და რაბატი.
- Morocco and Western Sahara observe permanent daylight saving time, except during Ramadan, when daylight saving time is suspended.
შაბათი სექტემბერი 4 2021
აღდგომის კუნძული, Región de Valparaíso, ჩილე
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 22:00 to 23:00 local time.
- Before: Easter Island Standard Time (EAST / UTC -6)
- After: Easter Island Daylight Time (EADT / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-09-05 04:00 UTC
- აღდგომის კუნძული changes time simultaneously with the rest of ჩილე, but the local time of აღდგომის კუნძული is two hours behind ჩილე.
კვირა სექტემბერი 5 2021
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Chile Standard Time (CLT / UTC -4)
- After: Chile Daylight Time (CLDT / UTC -3)
- Transition time: 2021-09-05 04:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ჩილე, including Viña del Mar, ანტოფაგასტა, ვალპარაისო, პუენტე-ალტო და სანტიაგო დე ჩილე.
- აღდგომის კუნძული changes time simultaneously with the rest of ჩილე, but the local time of აღდგომის კუნძული is two hours behind ჩილე.
ოთხშაბათი სექტემბერი 22 2021
კვირა სექტემბერი 26 2021
Chatham Islands, ახალი ზელანდია
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:45 to 03:45 local time.
- Before: Chatham Standard Time (CHAST / UTC +12:45)
- After: Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT / UTC +13:45)
- Transition time: 2021-09-25 14:00 UTC
ახალი ზელანდია
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: New Zealand Standard Time (NZST / UTC +12)
- After: New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT / UTC +13)
- Transition time: 2021-09-25 14:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ახალი ზელანდია, including კრაისტჩერჩი, ოკლენდი და უელინგტონი.
- Does not apply to dependent territories and outlying islands.
კვირა ოქტომბერი 3 2021
ნორფოლკის კუნძული
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Norfolk Time (NFT / UTC +11)
- After: Norfolk Daylight Time (NFDT / UTC +12)
- Transition time: 2021-10-02 15:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ნორფოლკის კუნძული.
- Time zone news: Norfolk Island will have daylight saving time
Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, ავსტრალია
Summer time started
The time was set forward half an hour from 02:00 to 02:30 local time.
- Before: Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST / UTC +10:30)
- After: Lord Howe Daylight Time (LHDT / UTC +11)
- Transition time: 2021-10-02 15:30 UTC
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.
ავსტრალია has 9 time zones. Most of the country observes DST in the summer. Summer time starts at the same local time in all of ავსტრალია, but not simultaneously, due to different time zones.
Australian Eastern Time
- Before: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST / UTC +10)
- After: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT / UTC +11)
- Transition time: 2021-10-02 16:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between AEST and AEDT, including Melbourne, ვულონგონგი, კანბერა, ნიუკასლი და სიდნეი.
Australian Central Time
- Before: Australian Central Standard Time (ACST / UTC +9:30)
- After: Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT / UTC +10:30)
- Transition time: 2021-10-02 16:30 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between ACST and ACDT, including ადელაიდა.
Summer time started
The time was set forward ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.
პარასკევი ოქტომბერი 29 2021
შაბათი ოქტომბერი 30 2021
Western Greenland
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 23:00 to 22:00 local time.
- Before: Western Greenland Summer Time (WGST / UTC -2)
- After: Western Greenland Time (WGT / UTC -3)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between WGT and WGST, including ნუუკი.
კვირა ოქტომბერი 31 2021
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 00:00 to 23:00 local time.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Israel Daylight Time (IDT / UTC +3)
- After: Israel Standard Time (IST / UTC +2)
- Transition time: 2021-10-30 23:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ისრაელი, including თელ-ავივი, იერუსალიმი და ხაიფა.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 02:00 local time.
Most of Eastern Europe
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 04:00 to 03:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern European Summer Time (EEST / UTC +3)
- After: Eastern European Time (EET / UTC +2)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to ალანდის კუნძულები, ბულგარეთი, ესტონეთი, კვიპროსი, ლატვია, ლიეტუვა, რუმინეთი, საბერძნეთი, უკრაინა და ფინეთი.
- Winter time starts at the same time in all of Europe (except Moldova), but at different local times, depending on the time zone.
Most of Europe
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 03:00 to 02:00 local time.
- Before: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- After: Central European Time (CET / UTC +1)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to ავსტრია, ალბანეთი, ანდორა, ბელგია, ბოსნია და ჰერცეგოვინა, გერმანია, გიბრალტარი, დანია, ესპანეთი, იტალია, კოსოვო, ლიხტენშტაინი, ლუქსემბურგი, მალტა, მონაკო, მონტენეგრო, ნიდერლანდები, ნორვეგია, პოლონეთი, სან-მარინო, საფრანგეთი, სერბია, სლოვაკეთი, სლოვენია, უნგრეთი, ქალაქი ვატიკანი, შვედეთი, შვეიცარია, ჩეხეთი, ჩრდილოეთ მაკედონია და ხორვატია.
- Winter time starts at the same time in all of Europe (except Moldova), but at different local times, depending on the time zone.
დიდი ბრიტანეთი
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: British Summer Time (BST / UTC +1)
- After: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of დიდი ბრიტანეთი and its Crown dependencies, including ბელფასტი, ბირმინგემი, ბრისტოლი, გერნსი, გლაზგო, ედინბურგი, კარდიფი, ლიდზი, ლივერპული, ლონდონი, მენის კუნძული, შეფილდი და ჯერსი.
- Does not apply to overseas territories.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Irish Standard Time (IST / UTC +1)
- After: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC +0)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ირლანდია, including Dún Laoghaire, Limerick, დუბლინი და კორკი.
- Contrary to other locations that observe daylight saving time, Ireland has daylight saving time in the winter, and standard time in the summer. Winter time is still one hour behind summer time.
კანარის კუნძულები, პორტუგალია და ფაროს კუნძულები
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Western European Summer Time (WEST / UTC +1)
- After: Western European Time (WET / UTC +0)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of კანარის კუნძულები, პორტუგალია და ფაროს კუნძულები, including Madeira, Porto, Province of Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ლისაბონი, სანტა-კრუს-დე-ტენერიფე და ტორსჰავნი.
- კანარის კუნძულები changes time simultaneously with the rest of ესპანეთი, but the local time of კანარის კუნძულები is ერთი საათი behind ესპანეთი.
Azores, პორტუგალია
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 01:00 to 00:00 local time.
- Before: Azores Summer Time (AZOST / UTC +0)
- After: Azores Time (AZOT / UTC -1)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to all of Azores, including ანგრა-დუ-ეროიჟმუ, ორტა და პონტა-დელგადა.
- Azores changes time simultaneously with the rest of პორტუგალია, but the local time of Azores is ერთი საათი behind პორტუგალია.
Eastern Greenland
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 01:00 to 00:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Greenland Summer Time (EGST / UTC +0)
- After: Eastern Greenland Time (EGT / UTC -1)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between EGT and EGST, including იტოკორტოორმიიტი.
Troll research station, ანტარქტიკა
Winter time started
The time was set back two hours from 03:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2)
- After: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC / UTC +0)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 01:00 UTC
Mexico (except Quintana Roo, Sonora, Baja California and areas near the United States border)
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
მექსიკა has 4 time zones. All of Mexico except the states of Quintana Roo and Sonora observe DST in the summer. The state of Baja California and areas near the United States border follow the same DST schedule as the United States, while other DST-observing areas observe DST from 02:00 on the first Sunday of April until 02:00 on the last Sunday of October.
Zona Centro
- Before: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- After: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Transition time: 2021-10-31 07:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including Ecatepec de Morelos, Iztapalapa, გვადალახარა, მეხიკო და პუებლა.
კვირა ნოემბერი 7 2021
სენ-პიერი და მიკელონი
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Daylight Time (PMDT / UTC -2)
- After: Saint Pierre and Miquelon Standard Time (PMST / UTC -3)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 04:00 UTC
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 01:00 to 00:00 local time.
- Before: Cuba Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -4)
- After: Cuba Standard Time (CST / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 05:00 UTC
- Applies to all of კუბა, including სანტა-კლარა, სანტიაგო-დე-კუბა და ჰავანა.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- After: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 05:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ბერმუდა.
Qaanaaq, გრენლანდია
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- After: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 05:00 UTC
- Applies to all of Qaanaaq.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
აშშ has 11 time zones. Most of the country observes DST in the summer. Winter time starts at the same local time in all of აშშ, but not simultaneously, due to different time zones.
Eastern Time
- Before: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- After: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 06:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between EST and EDT, including Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., მაიამი და ნიუ-იორკი.
Central Time
- Before: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- After: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 07:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including დალასი, ოსტინი, სან-ანტონიო, ჩიკაგო და ჰიუსტონი.
Mountain Time
Pacific Time
- Before: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT / UTC -7)
- After: Pacific Standard Time (PST / UTC -8)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 09:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between PST and PDT, including ლას-ვეგასი, ლოს-ანჯელესი, პორტლენდი, სან-დიეგო, სან-ფრანცისკო, სან-ხოსე და სიეტლი.
Alaska Time
Alaska: Islands west of -169.5°
- Before: Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (HADT / UTC -9)
- After: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST / UTC -10)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 11:00 UTC
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
კანადა has 6 time zones. Most of the country observes DST in the summer. Winter time starts at the same local time in all of კანადა, but not simultaneously, due to different time zones.
Newfoundland Time
- Before: Newfoundland Daylight Time (NDT / UTC -2:30)
- After: Newfoundland Standard Time (NST / UTC -3:30)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 04:30 UTC
Atlantic Time
- Before: Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT / UTC -3)
- After: Atlantic Standard Time (AST / UTC -4)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 05:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between AST and ADT, including ახალი შოტლანდია, ნიუ-ბრანსუიკი და პრინს-ედუარდის კუნძული.
Eastern Time
Central Time
- Before: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- After: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 07:00 UTC
- Applies to regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including მანიტობა.
Mountain Time
ბაჰამის კუნძულები
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- After: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 06:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ბაჰამის კუნძულები, including ნასაუ.
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- After: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 06:00 UTC
- Applies to all of ჰაიტი, including პორტ-ო-პრენსი.
თერქს-ქაიქოსის კუნძულები
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
- Before: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT / UTC -4)
- After: Eastern Standard Time (EST / UTC -5)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 06:00 UTC
- Applies to all of თერქს-ქაიქოსის კუნძულები, including კოკბერნ-ტაუნი.
Mexico (the state of Baja California and areas near the United States border)
Winter time started
The time was set back ერთი საათი from 02:00 to 01:00 local time.
მექსიკა has 4 time zones. All of Mexico except the states of Quintana Roo and Sonora observe DST in the summer. The state of Baja California and areas near the United States border follow the same DST schedule as the United States, while other DST-observing areas observe DST from 02:00 on the first Sunday of April until 02:00 on the last Sunday of October.
Zona Noroeste
US border regions in Zona Centro
- Before: Central Daylight Time (CDT / UTC -5)
- After: Central Standard Time (CST / UTC -6)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 07:00 UTC
- Applies to US border regions that alternate between CST and CDT, including Heroica Matamoros, ნუევო-ლარედო და რეინოსა.
US border regions in Zona Pacífico
- Before: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT / UTC -6)
- After: Mountain Standard Time (MST / UTC -7)
- Transition time: 2021-11-07 08:00 UTC
- Applies to US border regions that alternate between MST and MDT, including სიუდად-ხუარესი.
ორშაბათი, მარტი 24, 2025, კვირა 13
მზე: ↑ 06:50 ↓ 19:14 (12ს 23წთ) - მეტი ინფორმაცია - გახადე ნიუ-იორკი -ის დრო ძირითადად - დაამატე საყვარელ ადგილმდებარეობად