Time in Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania now

torstai, 26. joulukuuta 2024, viikko 52

Time zone info for Bistrița-Năsăud County

UTC +2
Eastern European Time (EET)
nyt 7 tuntia kohteen New York aikaa edellä
sunnuntai lokakuu 27 2024
Latest change: Winter time started
  • Switched to UTC +2 / Eastern European Time (EET).
  • The time was set back yksi tunti from 04.00 to 03.00 local time.
sunnuntai maaliskuu 30 2025
Next change: Summer time starts
  • Switching to UTC +3 / Eastern European Summer Time (EEST).
  • The time will be set forward yksi tunti from 03.00 to 04.00 local time.

Time difference
from Bistrița-Năsăud County

Los Angeles
10 tuntia
10 tuntia
8 tuntia
8 tuntia
New York
7 tuntia
7 tuntia
7 tuntia
7 tuntia
São Paulo
5 tuntia
5 tuntia
2 tuntia
2 tuntia
2 tuntia
2 tuntia
1 tuntia
1 tuntia
1 tuntia
1 tuntia
1 tuntia
1 tuntia
Istanbul+1 tuntia
Moskova+1 tuntia
Dubai+2 tuntia
Mumbai+3,5 tuntia
Hongkong+6 tuntia
Shanghai+6 tuntia
Singapore+6 tuntia
Tokio+7 tuntia
Sydney+9 tuntia
Compare other time zones

Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Bistrița-Năsăud County

Bistrița-Năsăud County on the map

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